to Apr 9

The California Beaver Summit

Climate change is making California hotter, drier, and harder for people and wildlife. Beaver can help.

Please join CUSP on April 7 (International Beaver Day) and April 9 for the California Beaver Summit. During two online half-day sessions the summit will explore the many benefits that beavers offer to the ecosystems they occupy. Beaver are of increasing relevance and importance on urban streams. Learn about the history, ecology, biology and restoration implications for urban watersheds.

For more information and to register, visit www.cabeaversummit.org

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to Jun 18

Restoring Codornices Creek at Kains Avenue in Berkeley and Albany.

Thank you to the neighbors and community members who came out for our workdays in November! After successfully planting willows, alders, buckeye, oaks, and bunch grasses, we are looking forward to seeing the growth at the site. We will be hosting future maintenance, weeding, and clean-up workdays in the Spring and Summer of 2021 as public health conditions allow.

Over the past twenty years about 2000 feet of Codornices Creek has been restored to enhance fish habitat and address past flood damages to University Village, University of California Berkeley student housing, led by the City of Albany. The project contains a regional trail and interpretive signage. CUSP is adding to this effort by partnering with the City of Berkeley to restore an upstream reach located between San Pablo Avenue and Kains Avenue on the border of Albany and Berkeley. The project has been made possible with funding from the California Department of Water Resources Urban Streams Restoration Program of Water Resources and the Schwemm Family Foundation. This 400-foot reach of creek located adjacent to low income housing has been ditched and degraded by failing concrete walls. The project will transform a one third acre weed strewn vacant lot into a neighborhood park and restore the creek channel, floodplain and riparian corridor. Fish habitat structures will be added for the Codornices Creek steelhead. Construction was completed in winter of 2020, along with a community planting day. Community planting and restoration projects will continue into 2021. Interested in volunteering on this creek restoration project? Get in touch.

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to Apr 30

CANCELLED - Learning How to Communicate with Decision Makers


Please check back or subscribe to our email list for more updates  

The CUSP collaborates in a statewide coalition called the California Watershed Coalition in order to communicate to our state legislators and agency managers how stream restoration projects can solve many practical problems such as flooding, stormwater management and flood damages while enhancing wildlife habitat and making streams neighborhood assets.  The California Watershed Coalition is composed of the California Urban Streams Partnership, California Watershed Network, Sonoma Ecology Center, Sierra Nevada Alliance, Northern California Council of Flyfishers, Sacramento River Watershed Program, California Association of Resources Conservation Districts, and Salmonid Restoration Federation. An important emphasis of this educational effort is our support for the state grant programs that support our local work with our partners in cities, counties and districts.  

Join us and our statewide partners for Watershed Day at the Capitol. This is great way to learn about state government, meet key players in state policy positions and make friends with other organizations from all regions of the state.

Want experience visiting state legislators?

Send us an email at custreams@gmail.com


For Your Calendar: Next Watershed Day At the Capitol is April 10, 2020. Check back with this website for details or visit the website of our partners, the California Watershed network. http://www.watershednetwork.org/

CUSP joins its partners, The California Watershed Network and Sierra Nevada Alliance to educate lawmakers about the watershed work our groups do.(Left to Right) Mike Wellborn CWN, Ann Riley CUSP advisory board, Sarah Monson SNA,Emanuel Peterson CUSP

CUSP joins its partners, The California Watershed Network and Sierra Nevada Alliance to educate lawmakers about the watershed work our groups do.

(Left to Right) Mike Wellborn CWN, Ann Riley CUSP advisory board, Sarah Monson SNA,

Emanuel Peterson CUSP

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10:00 AM10:00

Creek Restoration Workshop at CSU East Bay Concord

  • California State University Concord (map)
  • Google Calendar ICS
Save the Date CSU EB Workshop.jpg

Save the Date! February 8th 2020

Day-Long Creek Restoration Workshop with Dr. A.L. Riley and the California Urban Streams Partnership.

This upcoming Creek Restoration Workshop will provide both classroom-based lecture on the theory and science of soil bioengineering, as well as an afternoon of hands-on application. The primary purpose of this workshop is to train local watershed councils and friends of creek organizations on the do’s and don’ts of stream management and the best way to restore stream banks and reduce flood damages.

This workshop will be taking place at the California State University Concord Campus. Morning lecture will take place in Library Room 151, and afternoon hands-on component will be at the Galindo Creek Field Station on campus.

For more information, or to RSVP, contact outreachcusp@gmail.com

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9:00 AM09:00

Watershed Day in the Capitol



The Klamath Room, Cal-EPA Building, Sacramento

“Tools for Continuity: Water, Bonds and Coordinators”

Focus: Exploring community restoration needs with changing

climate, changing funding and changing State structures.

9:00 - 9:30

Registration and Networking Breakfast:

Local watershed groups, legislative staffers and others are encouraged to enjoy a continental breakfast and network with fellow attendees.

9:30 - 9:40

Welcome and Opening Remarks:

Rob Hutsel; Secretary, California Watershed Network

9:40 - 10:10

Capitol Update:

Alfredo Arredondo; President, Priority Strategies

10:15 - 10:45

Keynote Speaker: 2019 Water Perspectives

Jonas Minton, Planning & Conservation League

10:45 – 11:00


11:00 - 11:55

Watershed Coordinators – Panel Discussion

Liz Mansfield, Sierra Water Workgroup

Sara Monson, Sierra Nevada Alliance

Sara Schremmer, CA Association of Resource Conservation Districts

11:55 – 12:00

Closing Remarks:

Michael Wellborn; President, California Watershed Network

12:00 – 1:00

Lunch (on your own)

1:00 – 4:30

Visiting with Legislators and Staffers in the Capitol

4:30 – 6:30

Debriefing Session: Claim Jumper - 1111 J Street (at 11th Street), Sacramento

For information contact Michael Wellborn at (714) 928-8689 and www.watershednetwork.org.

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