Soil Bionengineering Handbook
AmeriCorps Volunteers Creating Fascine Bundles for Soil Bioengineering
Soil Bionengineering
Quick Link to our Soil Bioengineering Handbook
Soil Biongineering is at the heart of much of CUSP’s work! We work with the public, landowners, employees of cities, counties, CDFW and the Water Board to provide information on soil bioengineering techniques and practice.
Attendees of our workshops are given a theoretic and scientific background as well as opportunties for hands-on practice. Additionally, we provide a handout with resources to review and continue learning about Soil Bioengineering. Topics in our handbook include:
Common Reasons for Installation Success and Failure
Methods for Installing Posts and Stakes
Installation Tips
Bioengineering Specs
Riparian Planting Zones
Useful Stream Restoration Documents
Permits Frequently Used for Small Scale Stream Projects