Our Mission:

Restore. Advocate. Educate. Connect.

The California Urban Streams Partnership is an organization of local, regional and statewide groups that protect, restore, and steward urban streams. We are an advocacy organization for urban wildlife, increasing the quality of city life and neighborhoods, and returning functioning ecosystems to urban environments.

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Who We Are

CUSP was founded in 1982 to revitalize the urban streams movement in California by members of the Urban Creeks Council. The partnership is a project of the Earth Island Institute and administered though a Statewide Steering Committee, Sacramento Urban Creeks Council and Santa Barbara Urban Creeks Council, and approximately another 150 partners statewide.

Our Programs

Partnerships and advocacy

Our network of partners from across the state, the California Watershed Coalition, works together to advocate for streams in urban and rural California.

Workshops and Lectures

CUSP’s staff and board hold expertise in a wide range of topics relating to urban creek restoration. We regularly host public workshops and lectures with hands-on and practical advice about how to organize, plan, permit and implement low-cost and high-impact restoration techniques.

Urban Stream Restoration

Since 1982, members and staff of the California Urban Streams Partnership have pioneered the organizing, funding, design, construction and evaluation of urban stream restoration projects. We provide assistance and consultations with urban stream restoration projects, with an emphasis on community involvement in planning and implementation.


The California Urban Streams Parternship provides free advice about creek care, restoration and maintenance for Contra Costa County residents. Funding for this service is provided by the Contra Costa County Flood Control and Water Conservation District.



For more visit on the Streamside Management Program for Landowners in Contra Costa County.

Volunteer opportunities

Volunteers are a crucial part of our work. Check out the ways that you can get involved today:

Make a Donation

Your donation helps us protect, restore and enhance urban waterways for people and the environment.

 CUSP seeks to hire a Creek Restoration Outreach Manager. Apply by May 1, 2025. Follow this link to learn more!